Nuovo ponte sul fiume Meduna
20 May 2021

Orgogliosi ed emozionati per l’aggiudicazione del concorso per il nuovo ponte sul fiume Meduna a Pordenone

Ripristino della sede stradale lungo la S.R.251
3 May 2021

Primo sollevamento in notturna dell’impalcato del Ponte di Mezzo Canale…


Pordenone’s new hospital

The project fits into an urbanized historical context and becomes a opportunity to make the hospital part of the city.

Villaverde Hotel & Resort in Fagagna

The Villaverde Hotel & Resort is an architectural and technologically structure

New elderly center in Bressanone

The new residential center must relate to a widespread residential context characterized by buildings…

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Over the years the company has acquired experience and expertise in engineering and architectural services.